mardi 28 février 2012

Creature of Habit

So, today I had my last day off before starting a new job.  I have been for a run, watched Gossip Girl, done the laundry and washing up, had a haircut, and I have now just prepared my things for the morning and boiled up enough quinoa and adzuki beans to bulk out my lunchtime salads for the week.

Thrilling, I know.

Which is why it has occurred to me - not for the first time, admittedly - what a creature of habit I really am.  I used to be much more spontaneous in my youth but am now becoming more set in my ways, I think.  Maybe it happens to us all.  I don't mind; in fact, I think the best way forward is not to stress but to embrace it, as this is increasingly what makes me happier on a day-to-day level.

I am genuinely happier when I have my lunches all made for the week, my running bag packed and my shoes ready by the front door to avoid last-minute panics.  When I am getting enough sleep, eating properly, running at least three times a week, keeping in touch with the friends and family that make me feel best.  This requires a degree of forward planning, which I am learning how to do with increasing success.

After a weird time of all sorts of upheaval, chopping and changing of jobs, I am really hoping to settle into a new routine.  A calm and productive routine that leaves just enough room for fun and creativity.  Wish me luck.

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