This probably sounds like an annoying thing to say - I'm so Pollyanna-ish these days, it must be driving my friends bonkers - but my new job is the nicest I have ever had. I'm really enjoying going to work at the moment.
Everyone says that work travel isn't fun, but I really love it. One of my favourite things about the work I'm currently doing is that I get to do a lot of running around. Apparently work travel isn't 'glamorous', and in literal terms this is probably true in my case, but I find travel inherently glamorous. Even when it's the 7am Easyjet flight to Newcastle.
I'm crap at doing 'proper' reading or writing on trains, no matter how good my intentions. So I have taken to carting my ancient paperback copy of
Dolce Vita by Iseult Teran with me. It's an old favourite and perfect for dipping into whilst in transit. Top travel tip from ECW, there. (Ha!)
I recently had a lovely day out in Glasgow - one of my favourite UK cities - and had a bit of free time. I got to go to GOMA (The Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art) and see some cool stuff -
There was an exhibition by Sue Tompkins, which I found really fun and kind of intriguing (although opinion was definitely split). She was in the band Life Without Buildings - I distinctly remember hearing them on John Peel when I was a student and writing their name in my notebook. I love such little circular moments.