I was feeling sleepy and a bit hungover this morning. A bit burnt out, a bit sad.
So, instead of eating food or going running as I usually do, I spent my lunch hour in the Tate Modern.
I am not clever about art, and I wouldn't even consider myself a very visual person, but there is something about an art gallery that makes me (re)fall in love with the world and its possibilities. Other people's work - sometimes especially when it is a different medium to the one you work/aspire in - is so inspiring. It's the best form of 'jealousy' (not quite accurate but for want of a better word) - when other people's creations make you want to work harder and be better at your own.
I also bought a print of this, which is a portrait I find fascinating: http://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/hockney-mr-and-mrs-clark-and-percy-t01269
Then I came back to my computer and saw this on Facebook. It is really cheesy and I normally hate this sort of thing - but right now I whole-heartedly agree with every single one...
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